For the financially responsible among us, those that use credit cards wisely can enjoy all the perks these days. Paying off in full each month gives you cashback, bonuses, points, gifts, and great things. Why not also make your masturbation pay for you as well? Credit Card Phone Sex is one way to get more points when you pay that way.
Not all phone sex companies do the direct-to-phone billing option anymore, and it's just not as popular as it once was, so using a credit card to pay is just becoming more accepted to pay for your adult entertainment needs, be it porn or phone sex.
Credit Card Phone Sex is Quicker
Your cock is throbbing. Maybe you haven't had the time to stroke one out in a while. Your job keeps you busy, so many family demands, classes, and tests if you're still in school. Take the time and have some "Me Time" for yourself.
Your cum swollen balls will thank you. Some Credit Card Phone Sex might be just the thing to ease that blue balls ache you have down deep in your comfortless crotch. Talking to some sweet-voiced honey on the phone will coax that load out of your balls, and you will feel much better fast.
Some men also might have a "secret credit card" they have that their wives don't know about, so having the charges go on that might make Credit Card Phone Sex the easiest choice for you as well. She won't see it on your phone bill the way direct-to-phone billing might show. It's your business who you talk to, not hers. You shouldn't have to explain your conversations to anyone; you're a grown man.
You aren't meeting these phone girls in a hotel, you're just talking on the phone. No matter your reason, it's a payment option, so get out your card and do a call tonight. Your cock will thank you.